There are some solutions that the States are applying in order to decrease the number of the accidents or convicted drivers. Common things to use are: ignition interlock devices, and DUI checkpoints. So lets find out more specifically about checkpoints.
What is DUI checkpoint?
Dui checkpoint is a checkpoint where officers set up roadblock to pullover random vehicle to check whether the driver is under influence or not. This is considered as a legal way to keep the number of accidents in check by pulling drunk driver off the road until they are become able to drive safely. If the officer suspects that you are drunk or impaired, then you may be asked to do sobriety tests.
How does DUI checkpoint work?
When you saw some officer pulling over random vehicle, then you might be passing though a DUI checkpoint. When you are pulled over, the officer will ask you to remain seated in the vehicle will check your license and proof of insurance. He may also ask if you are drunk or not. The officer will be examining all of your behavior. If the officer suspects that you are drunk, then you’ll have to get out from the car and undergo some sobriety test.
How to undergo the sobriety tests?
Sobriety tests are usually made of 3 parts. The test is really simple. If you are not under influence or with impairment, then you will have nothing to worry about (they won’t ask you who the first president of the republic of Kazakhstan is or ask you to perform overhead kick).
The first part of the sobriety test is usually to test out your balance. It is common thing for drunk people not able to keep their balance. You will be asked to stand on one leg with your arms spread wide open. Then they will ask you to lift your leg for at least six inches.
The second part of the sobriety test will require you to walk in a straight pole on the rooftop of a 60 floors of business center. No just kidding, I better get the ticket than doing that. The second test will be walking on a straight line by placing one foot directly in front of the other and make a round trip to the end.
The last part of the sobriety test will require you to focus on an object. Drunk person will not be able to focus on an object. The test will only require you to move your eyes to follow a moving object while your head stays still.
Challenge all evidence that said you are drunk.
The consequences you will face if you are convicted DUI or DWI could be very serious. It vary from a getting your license suspended, fines (the fines amount vary between states), community services, jail times. So if you are convicted by the officer, you should challenge the evidence. Even though the entire test above is accurate in determining if someone is drunk or not, but the test results could vary between 2 people with same amount of drinks. Results can be different due to weight and other personal factors. It is also possible to get into DUI, if you are taking special medications.
If you had experience with DUI checkpoints and require SR 22 insurance – call us today, and we’ll get you free quote.