Michigan SR 22 Insurance – proof of financial responsibility
Michigan SR22 Insurance – proof of financial responsibility – If you are required to file an SR22 for the state of Michigan contact an insurance company or agent who is licensed to sell insurance in Michigan. You will be required to carry state minimum liability limits and continue the insurance policy for the duration of your specific court requirement.
What is an SR 22 form?
In the event your license has been suspended you may be required to show proof of future financial responsibility. The SR 22 form is simply an auto insurance policy with the SR22 attached to provide proof of insurance to the state in real time. If you cancel the policy the insurance company will notify the state electronically and your license will be suspended again.
For more information on Michigan auto insurance read the 2008 state report.
Michigan SR 22 Insurance Requirements
The state of Michigan requires liability insurance to protect other drivers in the event of an accident. The minimum limits are:
- $20k Per Person Bodily Injury
- $40k Per Accident Bodily Injury
- $10k Property Damage
While these limits are minimum they are rarely recommended levels of coverage. Ask your insurance agent what they recommend based on your financial position.
Suspended License Information and Requirements
License suspension and revocation information is shared with all 50 states. You cannot issue a driver’s license if you have an active suspension. There is no notification when the suspension has ended as that information is on the letter you receive when action is first taken. In order to reinstate your license know your eligibility date and specific reinstatement requirements. This information can be found on the letter or from the information at the court hearing.
Court ordered suspensions require a clearance from the court while other suspensions may require an SR-22. You may be asked to take a written and/or road skills test. Reinstatement fees vary so be sure to ask the state office. If all requirements have been met to reinstate except paying the fees you can reinstate online.
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in Michigan
Michigan law states it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle:
- When your BAC or blood alcohol concentration is .08% or higher
- Any presence of cocaine or schedule 1 drugs
- While intoxicated by alcohol and/or drugs
Drivers under the age 21 have a zero tolerance policy of .02% BAC or higher.
Implied Consent Law
All drivers are have given the state consent to test their blood, breath or urine in the event you are suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol. If you refuse this test your license will be suspended for one year and 6 points will be added to your driving record.
Does Michigan have a restricted license program?
Yes, you must serve 30 days of suspension before you are eligible to obtain a restricted license. Hardship license is not available to repeat or habitual offenders.
Required to get an Ignition Interlock Device?
Repeat offender’s in Michigan need to install ignition interlock device’s in each vehicle they operate. This means if you have two or more alcohol related convictions within a seven year period.
In order to be eligible for an IID the violator needs to fulfill his/her revocation period. At that time the IID can be installed and a restricted license will be issued. The ignition interlock device must be maintained for one year.
How much does an IID cost?
Each vendor can charge competitive rates to install and maintain the device. If you are on a low income you may qualify for a maximum $1 per day cost. To see if you qualify ask one of the approved vendors.
Which vendors are approved IID installers?
SMART START MICHIGAN | 1-888-234-0198 | 4850 Plaza,Drive | Irving, TX 75063 |
AMERICAN INTERLOCK | 1-800-580-0504 | 10520 Hickman, Suite F | Des Moines, IA 50325 |
MICHIGAN INTERLOCK, LLC | 1-888-786-7384 | 1718,Belmont Avenue, Suite E | Baltimore, MD 21244 |
NATIONAL INTERLOCK SERVICE | 1-888-294-7002 | 512 Reading,Road | Cincinnati, OH 45202 |
NEW HORIZON INTERLOCK INC | 1-800-597-5054 | 4040 W,Royal Lane, Suite 136 | Irving, TX 75063 |
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call: (855) 438-7353. One of our licensed agents will help you right away.