What do You Need To Know About Car Insurance After a DUI?
What do You Need To Know About Car Insurance After a DUI? For everyone who has ever been convicted of DUI, at some stage, life will move on; and you will be able to consider your options for driving (and the necessity of having insurance). If you’ve made those mistakes that led to a DUI conviction, and have paid the price (as imposed by the court), you’re now ready to move on in life. In most states, you will have had your license suspended for a mandatory period. Depending on the state, this could be as little as 30 days, or up to a year for a first offence.
You can get behind the wheel again, and move on in life. Before you can drive, you will need to renew your insurance. It’s time for you to consider your options. It may be that your existing insurer will cover you, but will increase their premiums significantly because of your conviction. It may be that your existing insurer simply won’t cover you. Bear in mind that each insurer has their own policies, and some are less harsh than others about your new circumstances.
Insurance companies operate with their own method for calculation of risk, and will set premiums (or choose not to insure you) based on these calculations. While a DUI conviction will have an effect on your record, it is only one element in the matrix of factors that the company will use to measure their perception of your risk. The will also consider social and demographic factors, your credit rating, and your driving history including accidents and other offenses such as speeding tickets. As an example, some companies will rate an at-fault accident as a greater risk (and therefore a higher impact on the premium) than a DUI, while others will rate a DUI conviction more highly. Be aware that if they agree to cover you, every insurer will charge a premium for auto insurance following a DUI conviction.
When you’re back on the road, you will need to be able to demonstrate your insurance has been re-instated. This proof represented by SR 22 certificate. This certificate must be filed by you (or your insurer) with your state’s DMV (or their department of licensing). An SR 22 verifies that you have valid insurance coverage, and is required in most states for anyone who has had their license revoked or suspended. This could be due to a number of driving offenses such as serious moving violations, excessive speeding, and violent crashes. It will certainly be required after a DUI (or DWI/DWAI) offense. You are likely to need an SR 22 for up to three years. Be aware that if you change insurers in this period, your previous insurer is required by law to notify state authorities. You will need to ensure that your new insurer issues a new SR-22.
A good starting point is to understand your options by investigating the offers that various insurance companies offer. Companies will vary their rates based on a number of factors, so you’ll need to familiarize yourself with your choices. You may find some companies will not offer insurance, while for others the difference in premium may be more than $100 per month! With a good driving history, good credit rating and no prior convictions, you may be able to limit the additional cost for your insurance, even if your policy has been discontinued by your previous insurer.
Start by going online, and obtaining quotes from Select Insurance Group. It is national insurer, operating in parts of the country that offer you a better deal. While you’re shopping, consider the longer term costs as well as the short-term costs, which are available in our company. Remember that some companies will review your rates after three years of incident-free driving, while others may require a longer period. Also, keep your insurer informed about changes in your life. A range of factors may reduce your ongoing premiums, such as having a new job, moving to a new location, or changing the vehicle you drive.
While having a DUI conviction will impact on your future insurance, if you investigate your options carefully, you can minimize the impact on your longer term finances.