Teenage Drunk Driving Facts
Teenage Drunk Driving Facts – Drinking and Driving among adults is already a prevalent issue in the US. Every 15 minutes, someone has suffered death due to an alcohol related car accident. Every minute, there is an alcohol related crash – injury, death.
Alcohol is more dangerous among teens as the youthful brain and body are still developing. One of the many reasons the legal drinking age has been placed at twenty-one is because of the biological fact that the human body processes alcohol differently at an earlier age, than in adulthood.
Stunted growth and improper emotional development are two consequences of teenage drinking.
In addition to that, a teenage mind is not as capable in judging proper distances or when to break, being novices at the wheel of a vehicle. Have little experience in driving is exaggerated when alcohol is introduced and this is why 1 out of 4 teens will die on a daily basis for having gotten behind the wheel while intoxicated. Overall, teenagers crash due to the fact they are not experienced in driving. Throw alcohol into that equation, a substance that will alter the judgment of the most experienced driver, and it can easily show why teens driving under the influence of alcohol are at an extremely high risk for an alcohol related auto-accident.
Here are some facts studies have found involving teenage drinking and driving:
- Well over half of all teenagers will confess that they have consumed alcohol.
- Teenage death due to drunk driving occurs every fifteen minutes.
- Well over half of all teenage deaths involving an auto accident will involve alcohol consumption.
- Close to a quarter of teens interviewed admitted riding in a vehicle in the prior month where a driver was intoxicated.
- Between males and females, females are less likely to be affected. Studies have found that chances of males dying or becoming injured in an auto-related accident is doubled.
- Teen crashes are more than likely to happen on weekends. As a culture overall, this is the most voluminous time of alcohol consumption.
- Teenagers begin drinking at an early age are more prone to substance abuse or alcoholism than individuals who wait until they are of legal age.
As mentioned before, teenagers are prone to underestimation of the situation they are in as well as the inability to recognize hazardous situations.
On top of that, for the thrill or due to ignorance, teenagers are prone to speeding, running red lights and turns that are illegal.
Teenage fatality due to alcohol is highest once a teen has reached the age of eighteen. In this period of time, an intense sense of freedom is enjoyed and many teens can’t grasp the responsibility behind this freedom. With this new sense of freedom, combined with the inexperience behind the wheel and becoming intoxicated and not completely understanding the heavy consequences behind getting behind the wheel once in that state. Quite often these teenagers will enjoy a sense of invincibility, having experienced a small portion of their life and unable to understand the mortality thereof.
There are different variants of these emotions felt. Not every teen feels like this, but some who do experience it on a more intense level than others.
The best way to avoid teenage drunk driving is to educate the teens. Inform them of the mass danger they’re bringing to, not only their lives, but the lives of everyone who knows them, the lives of anyone they harm and the lives of those who love those they harm.
While educating the teenage drivers about safety and the precautions needed to avoid accidents, it is important to also include the heavy consequences endured by law enforcement if caught drinking and driving. Jail time, suspended or revoked license, as well as being unable to start a vehicle without the assistance of a breathalyzer.
While anything under the blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 is considered legal and ‘safe’ for drivers over the age of twenty-one, the danger for teenagers is higher at all BACs no matter their age because of their under developed physiology. The danger of getting involved in a fatal or injurious auto crash is higher for teens at any BAC.
Teens should also understand that it doesn’t matter what alcohol they drink. What matters is the volume of alcohol consumed over a specific duration of time. They need to also understand that time is what helps sober someone up as the liver processes and metabolizes the alcohol. For an adult of legal drinking age, it takes at least one hour for the liver to process at least 3 oz of alcohol. This time is extended for underage drinkers. Neither a cold shower, caffeine nor exercise will expedite the sobering process or erase the direct effects of alcohol.
In addition to auto related injury and/or death, here are some other long term effects of alcohol on teens:
- Family problems, issues with romantic attachments.
- Alcohol poisoning
- Nerve damage
- Sexual problems
- Permanent damage to the brain
- Alcoholism
Educating teens of all consequences is the best way to help prevent drunk teenage driving.
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